Forever S01 E11 - Skinny Dipper

Submitted by Spindles on Mon, 20/04/2015 - 21:44

Do they think we're wet behind the ears?


Why do writers think that this isn't going to annoy people? 

Why do they think that the sudden appearance of characters that are vitally important to the series arc plot, which then plays out in the same episode is a good idea?

We get the big reveal on Henry's adversary this week and....

It's no-one who's been in the series so far.

So why be secretive,why be circumspect? 

Forever S01 E10 - The Man In The Killer Suit

Submitted by Spindles on Mon, 20/04/2015 - 21:35

Well that was dull. 

An uninteresting man, getting married to a boring woman, is killed in a tedious way. 

He's wearing some clothes and they lead to a chain of events that include 40 minutes of nothing very interesting happening and the viewer getting restless for the end titles. 

Thankfully, right at the end something arc related does occur, but it can't save this episode from being pretty much the worst of the season so far.

Agent Carter S01 E06 - A Sin To Err

Submitted by Spindles on Mon, 20/04/2015 - 21:18

Almost immediately this week you can see where the consequences of the characters actions are leading.

After being rescued from the Leviathan camp last week, Dr Ivchenko is happy to give information to the SSR team and a relentless Agent Carter.  He happily imparts what he can, but also starts to lead a merry dance with everyone's heads, especially volunteering info about how well female spies and double agents can go unnoticed in a man's world.

Agent Carter S01 E04 - The Blitzkrieg Button

Submitted by Spindles on Mon, 20/04/2015 - 20:49

Ah, those pesky men.

A quick list of some of the finest specimens...

Agent Thompson - self important,egotistical,smug, sexist, bigoted asshole.

Howard Stark - skirt-chasing, two-faced, arms dealing liar.

Edwin Jarvis - stuffy, useless in a fight and far too loyal to his master.

Agent Souza - Dogged, intelligent, sympathetic but looked down on because of his war injury.

Chief Dooley - Stark-hating, devious, suspicious but finally showing some competence. 

Mr Mink - sadistic, smuggling, extortionist murderer.

The Wars to Come

Submitted by Spindles on Thu, 16/04/2015 - 14:10

Welcome back one and all to the wonderful world of Westeros where I'm sure we're in for yet another season of the uplifting, light-hearted enterainment that we've come to associate with this fine show.

Once Upon a Time latest series moves to Netflix

Submitted by Spindles on Tue, 17/03/2015 - 12:18

For fans of ABC's modern respin on classic fairy tales in the UK this will be welcome news indeed. Not only are the entire Seasons 1-3 now available to stream on Netflix, but also all available episodes of the current season. Further new episodes will be made available weekly just after the Sunday night U.S. broadcast on ABC.

About Once Upon A Time


Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D returns tonight

Submitted by Spindles on Wed, 04/03/2015 - 09:07

That's right. Finally returning from their mid season break, Coulson and the gang are back.

There's still loads of fallout from the events of the first half of the season, and we have a little clip of what's still to come courtesy of

Check out, follow @AgentsofSHIELD on Twitter and like "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." on Facebook for the latest news and updates!


Agent Carter S01 E03 - Time and Tide

Submitted by Spindles on Wed, 04/02/2015 - 21:10

It's still a man's world for Agent Carter.

And the men are getting the ladies into a spot of bother.

Firstly at the Griffith Hotel where a daring lothario gets a resident expelled, and then in the office when Peggy has to think on her feet and come up with a plan protect Jarvis from cracking under interrogation by Agent Thompson and Chief Dooley.

At the Griffith, this means Dottie, a new neighbour for Peggy.

At the SSR the consequences are potentially career ruining.

We also learn Jarvis' secret and why he owes a debt to his employer.