Every Game is a Survival Game

Submitted by Spindles on Tue, 14/04/2015 - 11:11

Episode One – Every game is a survival game?!
In this week’s episode Stef, Chance and Kasey will be exploring the survival genre, and ask the philosophical question… ‘is every game a survival game?!’. We will also be talking about Grand Theft Auto 5 and our expectations for the game, as well as an extensive talk on DayZ and a discussion on large online communities and the problems they can face.
You can find Stef's twitch account at www.twitch.tv/Kynjilol as well as his twitter at www.twitter.com/StefEmp
You can also find Chance on twitter at www.twitter.com/chancinater
You can also find Kasey on twitter at www.twitter.com/ArmouredUnicorn
Any feedback is appreciated, thanks for listening!