Person of Interest

Person of Interest - S04E03 - Wingman

Submitted by Spindles on Thu, 09/10/2014 - 12:22

Is it just me, or does an episode early in the series that gets you chuckling throughout usher portents of doom for later in the series?  And since I don't think there was a good 5 minutes where I didn't give a little guffaw I'm wondering how much of a kicking there's going to be involved later on in the storyline.  Plus, this was an episode that let Detective Lional Fusco (Kevin Chapman) out to play somewhat, and it's about time, too!

Person of Interest - S04E02 - Nautilus

Submitted by Spindles on Thu, 02/10/2014 - 13:10

The season premier promised us that we were going to be on a bit of a rollercoaster this series, and the second episode has shown us the first hill to climb before the drop in to uncertain high veolcity hijinks, except that the hill is covered in private military contractors, crazy mathematical problems and a chase to acquire a prize that only the winner will truly appreciate.